Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Social Masks and the Status Quo

Social masks are worn by members of society for the purpose of fitting into an assigned or designated role. The masks worn are various to count, though there are similar themes and patterns. Masks are informed by status, role(s), and social norms and values. These roles are designed and designated to maintain the status quo.

The very definition of a mask is that of covering one’s true identity. The average citizen is concealed under layers of daily masks that are worn as a form of social convention. It is this interacting of masks that knits the social fabric and also encourages internal and external oppression and subjugation as fundamental tenets to the effective maintenance of the economic system and class society.

This economic system and classist society assumes mask wearing not unlike theatre. As Shakespeare so aptly put, “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” After the final curtain call, what standard is one measured by? According to who’s definition? In essence, stripped of classism and economic circumstances, who are you?